Happy Spring! I just returned from visiting family in California and had a nice time with Tyler photographing his California Senior Portraits. Congrats 2024 Grad!
We visited the quant town of historic Niles and the California state flower, the poppies, were in full bloom.
Cool back story
I was best friends with Tyler’s mom, Kim’s sister as a teenager. One day she asked me to stay the night with her sister, Kim as she was battling colitis. I was only 13 years old and hospitals freaked me out. But I said yes to my friend in need. As I was asleep on my cot in the hospital, I suddenly woke up in a panic for what seemed like no reason. I looked over at Kim and saw her oxygen tube disconnected and her gasping for air!
Instead of running by her side to try and help, which would have been my first instinct, I felt to run urgently and grab a Nurse.
The nurses came running in and quickly connected everything and got her back to breathing. They looked at me and said, “If you would have hesitated at all, she would have died. She was breathing her final breath!”
All glory to God! He woke me up out of a dead sleep and gave me the knowing to run and get the nurses within a minutes time!
Now here we are full circle. She is married with children and her son, Tyler is graduating high school.
Wow right!
I was honored to take his California Senior Portraits.

Amazing story. I love God stories like this. I’m wondering if Tyler is Kim’s son, or Kim’s sister’s son.